The rain's been falling in near Biblical proportions over the last few days and it's helped rest of the garden no end. The experimental wild flower patch in the problem shady bit at the back of the house has filled up nicely and a few flowers are starting to open.
When we got home, we burst open the first pea-pod of the season. It made a satisfyingly loud 'pop' as Liesl cracked it open and the peas were as juicy as anything.
Any Blog readers thinking of coming round and robbing the rest had better think again. The razor wire and attack dogs are in situ to ward off any marauders!
We had a Tesco £9.00 tea tonight - Gruyere and pancetta tart with salad. The salad was boosted by our own mixed green (and peppery) leaves from the salad bowl on the porch. If we had remembered sooner, we could have dressed the salad with our home made raspberry and basil vinegar. And later tonight, we'll maybe have a home made sloe gin from the 2007 vintage!
Very soon, once the beans, tomatoes and tatties are ready, we'll be able to open a produce stall on the Green.
Tom & Barbara.
Tom & Barbara.
ps - A nice lady from the PET scanning unit phoned this afternoon and I'm booked in for 16:00 on Thursday. Apparently, I get injected with the radioactive isotope, then I have to lie down for an hour to let the stuff circulate and then it's into the scanner. A two loop system this time and it takes about half an hour. I'll keep you posted.
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