Sunday, 12 July 2009

Blue and Buzzin'

The East Lothian countryside is changing again. The bright, harsh yellows of the oil-seed rape and daffodils in Spring are being replaced by ripening crops turning golden and these are occasionally interspersed with patches of scarlet as poppies push through to make a dramatic impact.
After flowering, the rape is actually quite a scruffy crop and remains so until it is harvested once the tiny seeds are ready.
Replacing it in the spectacularity stakes has got to be the fields of blue linseed that are becoming more common and look great from a high viewpoint. They also provide a great source of pollen for thousands of bees and there's quite a buzz if you're near one of the fields.
We've also noticed that some farmers seem to be planting the margins of other crops with linseed - presumably to encourage the bees and other wildlife.
These pictures were taken just north of East Linton and give a wee taste of what it's like.
I like it - it's kinda cool!

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