Sunday, 8 March 2009

Pride Comes Before a Fall

I'm definitely making lots of progress but rapidly getting bored with going to Tesco nearly every day. I still can't be bothered doing much else though.
All of this inactivity means that I'm not building up my strength as quickly as I'd hoped and my legs are still a bit weak and thin from having been lying on my bed in hospital for nearly a month.
This was evident tonight when I overbalanced a wee bit and took a step backwards in the living room. My leg just didn't take my weight. In what seemed like slow motion, I dropped like a stone.
Fortunately, I wasn't hurt but my pride took a dent and I got a right fright. It brings it home a bit that actually I might still have a way to go until I'm better.

To help pass the time, I've discovered SPORCLE the website of 'mentally stimulating diversions'.
Have a look. It's great and very addictive.
It's now my first 'Website of the Day' - I hope you like it as much as I do.

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