I haven't been sick or nauseous or anything but I have felt very lethargic and really haven't done anything constructive. I just canny be bothered.
However, I do know quite a lot more about the English canal system and I could probably build myself a traditional wooden boat if I wanted to - thanks to daytime TV!
I've also had a very hot and red face and head. In the great scheme of things, it's very trivial but it isn't half annoying and I'm taking every opportunity to complain about it to whoever will listen. I think it's caused by a slight allergic reaction to one of the R-CHOP drugs.
It's easing off as the week has gone on so I'm starting to feel a bit better and less hassled.
It's easing off as the week has gone on so I'm starting to feel a bit better and less hassled.
Oh aye - and as you can see - I've had my nut cut!
And I like it - very much.
It was a bit straggly and thin so Graham and I decided to see what it would be like when it was just cut short rather than shaved off snooker ball style. If it all falls out then we'll re-evaluate the situation but for now I've gone for a 'Guantanamo Bay'!
Remarkable fact of the day:
I've only had my hair cut by one barber - Graham - over the past 40 years.
I never get it cut on holiday or anywhere else and once when I was in hospital for eight weeks, I waited until I got out to get it cut.
In all that time, this is the first time that I've had a noticeably different style!
I'm going to make the most of it!
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