Monday, 10 August 2009

Boots, Bats and Odd Shaped Balls

The rugby season has started again.
Well . . the pre-season to be exact. PL had their first friendly game on Saturday - against Lismore.
They're a division or two below us so it would be a nice'n'easy warm up - right?
We managed to hold on for a draw. It looked like we were just a wee bit rusty. I'm sure things will be fine once the season starts for real. (My fingers are crossed behind my back).

And just as the rugby season starts, I'm playing cricket!
And just as I'm about to play cricket . . . . the heavens open to show that the first week in August is not the time to play Summer sports.
The cricket match was part of an Atos Origin Family Fun day. We did eventually play and it was good so maybe next year we'll play again - in June!

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