Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Chemo 5 - Nearly There

It's all very much routine.
I know the staff in Area 4 and most of the 'customers' are weel kent faces now. Even the time is coming down - about three and half hours today. That's as good as it gets.
I'm even confident that nothing major is going to happen to me after the dosage that we don't have to rush straight home anymore. We can stop off at M & S. What a treat!

The days after chemo are also pretty standard. I feel lousy for a few days (it used to be 2-3 days but now it's more like 5-6) and then I pick up and I'm generally fine for the next two weeks.
Ulcerative Colitis is also under control, thanks to the chemo. A plan is still to be devised as to what the future treatment will be once chemo has stopped. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Last night's tea was a triumph - Arbroath Smokie Risotto. Except I couldn't get Arbroath Smokies so made do with smoked haddock instead. It was still good though.
Cheffy Tip of the Day:
Have the risotto with a good crisp, chilled bottle of Sancerre or Chablis.
Then, if the risotto turns out to be rubbish, all is not lost. You've still got a great bottle of wine!


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